10 great board games to play
1. Settlers of Catan
One of the first board games I played where I thought "this is going to be a trend"
2. Powergrid
If you are off by 1 dollar, you're playing the game well. You'll know what I mean when you play.
3. Betrayal at House on the Hill
I like co-op games and this is a game where you try to win against the betrayer
4. Telestrations
Fun and funny party game - it's like the game of telephone but with drawing
5. Codenames
I prefer the picture version - seems to be a lot more interpretation with it
6. Splendor
Super quick, easy two (or more) player game. Easy to learn. 30 minute games.
7. Apples to apples
Before Cards against humanity, there was apples to apples. Cards takes it to adult themes.
8. Personally incorrect
Feels a lot like cards against humanity but with a different play mechanic
9. Dominion
Card building game with a lot of different replayability
10. Flash Point
Co-op game where you are trying to save people and put out a fire.
11. Bonus: Pandemic
Might be too soon to play a board game when we're still in the midst of a pandemic
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