10 things you’ve had and used the longest
I love this challenge, because I hate things that don't last. Especially throw away appliances. If someone was to create a line of high end stoves and refrigerators built sans the electronics, I would be a customer.
Here are my favorites
1. Browning Citori shotgun. Purchased in 1994. Still my favorite
2. Vitamix blender. Used at lease once a day for 18 years, and still like new. Best appliance I have ever owned
3. Martin D 28 acoustic guitar. 20 years old and sounds better than the day I bought it
4. 2017 MacBook Pro. Just a flat out great laptop, even at 5 years old
5. 1983 Dennon stereo reciever. Worked all summer to purchase before my freshman year of college, and still sounds great. I wish I had my old turntable and vinyls to go with it.
6. 1971 model wife. We’ve been together for almost 30 years. Best decision I ever made
7. Blundstone boots. The only article of clothing I have that is so old I can’t remember how old it is.
8. 1986 Allison 7’6 surfboard. Almost sold it a couple of times, so glad I didn’t
9. All Clad and Cast Iron. Absolutely perfect cookware in my opinion. Like a good marriage, if you are willing to take care of them they will last a lifetime.
10. Toyota 4 Runners. I have had several, and put at least 250 k on each of them with few or no mechanical issues
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