Ideas Post

10 things you’ve had and used the longest

There was this book from the 70s or something, bemoaning our throw away society. It made the case that our attachment to personal items gave us a sense of continuity that we need. Some generations inherited clothing, some inherited the crockery and cutlery. The book is "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler. 

So in this spirit, which are the things you have used the longest? Your grandmothers plates? The dustpan and brush you've had for 40 years? 

This is not a list of things you keep for sentimental reasons. You need to use them. 

    1. The toothbrush

    I've had the same one for about 30 years. It's a Colgate. It's not in the picture but I am using it right now. 

    The reason I replaced it is because the bristles were starting to fall off. You can see in the picture that it's worn down and there are some spots where the bristles have fallen off. 

    But, other than that, it was still working fine. So I bought a new one so I don't have to throw away an old one that works fine.

    I think my grandmother gave me this toothbrush when I graduated high school (1985). So 34 years ago she gave me this toothbrush and now I'm using it 34 years later.

    I looked at Amazon and they sell them for $6-$8 but they don't say how long they last.

    2. My laptop

    I got it in 2014 but since then I've upgraded all the parts and added more memory so now it's a completely different computer than when I first got it. 

    It's a Macbook Pro 15" from 2014 but with all new parts put in by Apple. So, 25 years after my first computer (which was also a Mac) , here i am using my second computer.

    When you buy a used car, you want to make sure there are no "salvage" titles on the car indicating major damage or fire or something like that. But nobody ever checks the title of your computer to see if there are any salvage titles on your hard drive.

    3. My phone

    My current phone is 5 years old (Samsung Galaxy S5). But three months ago, when my contract expired, I got a brand new iPhone XR (the latest model). 

    Why? Because even though my S5 worked fine, Apple puts out new software every year and if you don't get the latest model, you're going to be unable to use those features as everyone else gets them over time. 

    So why did I keep my S5? Because if anything happens to either of these phones (they break or get lost or stolen), then i can use this older phone until I get another newer phone.

    4. Shoes

    The shoes on my feet right now are about six months old but they look pretty bad because of all of the walking around NYC doing research for this site for the past two weeks. They look like crap but they still work fine and will probably last another six months unless something happens to them during all of this walking around NYC looking at stuff while researching things for this site (and putting these lists together). 

    5. Toothpaste

    This is Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste . It's been in use since 2012 which means almost 6 1/2 years now! How long do toothpastes usually last? Does anyone know? 
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