10 tips for better communication and collaboration at work
1. Be careful about meetings
Keep the meeting participant small, and keep the meetings purposeful
2. Emails are about adding tasks to others to do lists
Instead, try to get it resolved through phone or in person
3. Over communicate
Doesn't hurt that people get the same message twice or three times. Much better than some people not getting the message at all.
4. Have different mediums
Emails aren't always the best way to communicate information. Use videos, tweets or newsletters to vary your communication channels.
5. Don't be afraid to hop on the phone to solve a problem
6. Consider how you can make participation easy
7. There's often a balance between the human touch vs. effort
More human touch - more effort.
8. Leverage influencers in the organization
9. Ensure all 'levels' have the communication
Executives, middle management, individual collaborators
10. 'Templatize' your messages
Makes it easy to copy and paste any time you want to share key messages with others
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