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10 Tips for High School Seniors

10 Tips for High School Seniors

    1. You don't have to have it all figured out yet

    2. Think of your life as a book with chapters in it. There can be as many chapters as you want. You have already been an infant, toddler, elementary school student and high school student. What other chapters do you want to write?

    3. Always be pleasant and kind to other people: try to make everyone you come into contact with smile or laugh

    This is not only good for other people, but it is good for you. Once you can get somebody to smile back at you, you are on your way to a positive relationship.

    4. Aggressively learn to use artificial intelligence

    The next 20 years will be defined by AI the same way the previous 20 years have been defined by the Internet. Learn to use it as much as you can.

    5. Observe and be inspired by others, but don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own path.

    Read about great accomplishments. Use them to inspire yourself, but don't compare yourself to your neighbor.

    6. Be very conscious of the social media you interact with. Get information from it, make connections with it, and then put it aside.

    Doom Scrolling is a very addictive and nonproductive activity.

    7. Get some kind of exercise every day, preferably outside

    When you are young, you can do things you won't want to do when you are older.

    If you are interested, learn to mountain bike, ski, skateboard, or do other young people's activities. As you age, swimming, yoga, walking, and weightlifting are all good.

    8. Every day write down at least three things you are grateful for and 10 ideas

    This will help your brain stay active. Writing things you are grateful for has a tremendous effect on reducing depressive thoughts.

    9. Become a book reader

    Most high school students are not book readers. Develop a habit of reading books in fields that you are interested in. Books are a compact way to learn things that somebody else is taking the time to condense into a few hundred pages.

    10. Learn about compound interest and compound effects. Start saving money as soon as you can.

    Avoid debt, save early, and save regularly.

    11. Develop and feed your curiosity

    It makes life more interesting and increases your options.

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