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10 Ways to Lose Weight

This can be much simpler than most of the other lists in this challenge. Just cut carbohydrate consumption, start today, start right now and see where you are on July 4th

    1. Cutting carbs

    If you just eat meat, fish, cheese and eggs then you will not be eating any carbs. I don't target zero but the previous sentence gives some context for what does have carbs, everything, everything else has carbs. The more protein from those sources you get, the fuller you will be and will get the fat you need. The body does not need carbs, literally does not need them. A healthy liver can produce all the glycogen we need.

    2. Intermittent fasting is great! But not for losing weight.

    Fasting promotes autophagy, lowers insulin resistance and reduces inflammation. All great things but I would not expect to lose weight. IMO it is better to eat the same amount of food, greatly reducing carbs, in a shorter window of time. Same calories, shorter feeding window.

    3. Exercise is great! But not for losing weight.

    The body cannot burn fat until sugar has been depleted. Look it up, can't do it. Once sugar is depleted, which is easy on a low carb diet, the body starts to burn fat and does so shockingly quickly. That's why I say above, start right now, literally right now and I bet for a man around 200 pounds thinking he need to lose weight would drop 15 pounds. When I started back in 2017 I lost 20 pounds immediately.

    The benefits of lifting weights, HIIT and all the rest are almost endless but you won't lose much weight until you reduce your carb consumption, until you deplete your sugar.

    The body cannot burn fat until sugar has been depleted. That is the science behind why low carb works.

    4. Don't drink smoothies

    Very often loaded with carbs

    5. Don't eat smaller portions

    This will leave you feeling hungrier. Being hungry all the time would suck and eventually you'd start eating more. Eat all the carb-less food you want, you will fill up quickly, protein has far more satiety than carbs.

    6. Moving more is great! But not for losing weight

    See above

    7. Don't count calories

    Straight calorie reduction will leave you hungry. You only burn 100 calories running a mile. You only burn 400-500 calories walking 10,000 steps. This is woefully inefficient and ineffective.

    8. First step

    Ignore everything else and just cut carbs. If you somehow don't see results in 2-4 weeks from cutting carbs, meaning you actually did cut your carbs but didn't lose weight, then you can try other things but for men, this will almost definitely work. Women can be a little different, the success rate is a little lower. If you're an elite athlete, then get advice that is more tailored to your body and sport but for the rest of us, just start with one thing, cut carbs.

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