10 ways to make your road trip more enjoyable
1. Share responsibilities to drive
2. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks (exciting ones)
3. Take short breaks - for water, washroom, stretching etc.
4. Have a snack handy
5. Travel with someone you can talk to for hours
6. Bring a book
If you're a passenger, might as well make it effective
7. Use Waze
I find it handy to check for police / speed traps / other obstacles
8. Have a phone charger
Long road trips + dead phone = lost
9. Fill up at gas stations when you have the opportunity
Unless you know for sure there's another gas station coming up, you don't want to be stuck or have to backtrack to get gas if you're low on gas
10. Wear comfortable clothing
Nothing like having a tight pair of underwear on a long road trip (don't do this!)
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