Best businesses to start in the next 10 years
1. Elder care age in place concierge services for the home: groceries, bill payment, medications
2. Commercial bathroom cleaning service
With more automated services in restaurants there will be fewer humans to do this type of work
3. Mobile robot services
4. Mobile ride share servicing: deliver replacement car to broken down rental
5. Streaming services aggregator
Combine access to dozens of streaming services for one price: 21st century cable operator
6. Retirement community operator
As the number of older people continues to grow and people are still generally retiring at 65 people will be living for decades beyond their working years
7. Artificial intelligence consultant
Figuring out how to use AI in business decisions and general life support
8. Life and career coach
As the world of work evolves to AI and robotics the outdated ideas of employment are going to lead to dissatisfaction
9. AI artist
A creative person to generate art using AI
10. AI author
These already exist for sports scores and NotePD!
11. AI social media responders
These already exist as spam bots but they will improve to deliver insight and the dopamine of “likes and follows”
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