Very interesting entries so far in this thread! And here are the ones I've tried, some by reference to the one on display at the Disgusting Food museums.
What I've learned is
- Sometimes the food we categorized as disgusting is just something we're not used to eating (bugs, inner part).
- It is disgusting when the texture / smell reminds you of something bad (rotten food, stinky feet, etc)
- Perhaps the food itself isn't disgusting, but how we got to the food is (how we treat the animal, or how we prepared it)
- If the food isn't actually food, but it's just laden with a bunch of chemicals (preservatives, unnecessary substances).
1. Roquefort Cheese

Growing up in Indonesia, the only cheese I'm familiar with is processed cheddar. Very mild, completely tasteless by European standard. I've been trying to get into the cheese culture and I am getting on quite good, but of all the five cheeses, I could only eat the roquefort. As you see my expression when I'm about to smell the next one.