I'll rephrase it to make it broader. I don't find Islam particularly inspirational, although there's certainly some good stuff in it. I learned a lot about it years ago, and it's not for me. Unfortunately I didn't read the Quran in full, and as I'm completely out of my Islam phase, I don't think I'll do it anytime soon, but who knows. It would be good in order to gain a better understanding of it, although I think reading about the Quran (and the hadiths and the life of the prophet) is necessary, rather than simply reading it with no understanding.
Keep in mind my list may contain inaccurate information (it definitely contains imprecise information), and I'm mostly basing this on what I remember from back when I was very interested in this religion, which was a while ago. Feel free to correct me.
EDIT: See comments for corrections and more info from @Hasham-dev :)

1. Killing one man is like killing the entirety of humanity + Saving one man is like saving the entirety of humanity
Same verse. Pretty cool.