Disgusting Food You've Tried
Every culture has food that is different. I can recall the catastrophic cooking experiments that I tried when I was younger.....shudder. These are the top three disasters.

1. I made mustard chicken
I stunk up the apartment so badly, that it smelled bad for an entire day.
2. I used to make spaghetti every day because I didn't know how to cook.
I would boil spaghetti and then pour cheap spaghetti sauce on top. This is not so bad, but I used to eat it more than once a week.
My mother bought me a cookbook: How To Cook Without a Book and saved me from a lifetime of spaghetti and Ramen. Bless her soul. The cookbook taught you principles about cooking. That and the Minimalist Cookbook.
3. I made greens for a Thanksgiving long long ago that were gritty, chewy and bitter