Disgusting Food You've Tried
Everything But the OINK!
1. Pickled pig's feet
Similar to pickled eggs but with a firmer feel and a bone.
2. Haggis
Classic. Makes every list. I actually find it pretty good
3. Blood Bologna
Also known as blood pudding or blood sausage in different parts of Europe. Yes, pig's blood is part of the recipe.
4. Heart
Deer, beef, pig, etc. Some people find it distasteful, but I like it.
5. Scrapple
Most of you may have never heard of this. Instead of trying to explain it to you, I'll just provide the link:
6. I'm seeing a pattern here.
It didn't dawn on me until I started writing this list but I'm seeing a pattern. Hence the sub-title.
7. P.S. I didn't include it here, but the AI has some truly unusual menu items. Take a look.
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