Disgusting Food You've Tried
I am a bit weird, as regards unconventional food. Here are some things I have tried.
1. A salad with grasshoppers
In an Australian restaurant
2. Raw eggs
All the time. The eggs are from a neighbor's chickens.
3. Raw fish
From a supermarket in Lithuania. It was wrapped in plastic and looked fine, so I thought: why not?
4. A hot dog from a dirty hot dog stand
Made by an old woman who looked very unhygienic. I was about ten years old and didn't know any better.
5. Raw beef and raw pork with onions on toast
Not a big deal here.
6. Roman snails
with garlic sauce on toast. They were cooked in their own houses. Delicious!
7. Raw oysters
8. Stinky old cheese
in different variations
9. Fermented milk
When I was a kid, it was very common on dairy farms in my area.
10. Luxury cat food
As seen in a commercial on tv. My cat likes it, and it has to be hygienic. So it can't be that bad (I thought)
11. A vegetable jelly past its sell-by date
This one gave me food poisoning.
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