I've been making my own comics for a few years now. I've built up a small following. Maybe I could look into newspapers /comic series.
2. Happiness Coach
I've been researching happiness and sharing my findings for years. Maybe I could help people reframe their thinking and set systems that would lead them towards a happier life.
3. Manager
I've managed and trained teams before. It allows me to use my brain more and tackle bigger problems.
4. Tutor
I could help students with studying and understanding their subjects. I managed to succeed at teaching my worst subject. If I put my mind to it I can teach anything.
5. Animator
I could sell my services or I could try and join a company. Maybe I could work on an animated cv. Similar to the King Of The Hill pilot.
6. Fashion icon
I could make unique prints for tshirts /hoodies and sell them off at a premium price.
7. The Rocco Effect App
I could produce and sell an app that uses all my content. Facebook /Instagram are blocking me from posting for a while and it's shown me just how quickly I could lose everything just by posting a joke they don't like. An app should be safer.
8. Busking Joker
I could buy a mic/speaker and do stand up sets in the streets of Glasgow. If people like my jokes they can donate if not they can walk on.
9. Apple Genuis
Just so I can be classified as a certified Genuis. I do think apple would be a great company to work for. I read 'The Apple Experience' and really enjoyed the thinking behind how the store worked. Maybe I could learn even more working there.
10. Onlyfans
I wanted to get to ten ideas and I hit a wall. Then again I'm a good looking guy I'm sure I'd get tons of folk wanting to see me. Haha!
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