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Poking Holes (10 min 36 sec)

The conversation.
Person A: "You told an interviewer that you have learned, in your words, "love the thing that I most wish had not happened." You went on to say, "what punishments of God are not gifts."
Person B: "I remember."
Person A: "Do you really believe that?"
Person B: "Yes, it's a gift to exist. And with existence comes suffering. There's no escaping that. And I guess I'm either a Catholic or a Buddhist when I said those things because I've heard those from both traditions. But I didn't learn it, that I was grateful for the thing I most wish hadn't happened is that I realized it. Is that it's an odd and guilty feeling."
Person A: "It doesn't mean you..."
Person B: "I don't want it to have happened. I wanted it to not have happened, but if you're grateful for your life, which I think it's a positive thing to do, not everybody is, and I'm not always, but it's the most positive thing to do." 
Then you have to be grateful for all of it. You can't pick and choose what you're grateful for. And then, so what do you get from loss? You get awareness of other people's loss, which allows you to connect with that other person, which allows you to love more deeply and to understand what it's like to be a human being if it's true that all humans suffer. 
And so at a young age, I suffered something so that by the time I was in serious relationships in my life with friends or with my wife or with my children is that I am understanding that everybody is suffering. 
And however imperfectly acknowledge their suffering and to connect with them and to love them in a deep way that not only accepts that all of us suffer but also then makes you grateful for the fact that you have suffered so that you can know that about other people and that's what I mean. It's about the fullness of your humanity. 
What's the point of being here and being human if you can't be the most human you can be? I'm not saying best because you can be a bad person and a most human. I want to be the most human I can be and that involves acknowledging and ultimately being grateful for the things that I wish didn't happen because they gave me a gift."
Poking Holes...below 

    1. "Love the thing that I most wish had not happened."

    What you wish has nothing to do with what is ultimately the Truth.
    How can you love something but also wish it had not happened? It's a contradiction of terms. One occurence of a contradiction renders the entire statement invalid.
    A contradiction is a statement that conflicts with or negates another statement or concept, leading to an inconsistency or lack of coherence.
    Truth doesn't have any contradictions. If it did, it couldn't be true "loving a thing" and also "wishing it had not happened" is a contradiction.

    2. "What punishments of God are not gifts?"

    God doesn't punish. God is pure love. 
    God cannot conceive of the idea of punishment but an ego can.
    The second contradiction is conflating God with being a punisher.
    The third contradiction is to call something a "gift" while also viewing it as "punitive."

    3. "Do you really believe that?"

    Perhaps this is the most intelligent question of the conversation. But what happens most often is you don't really contemplate the question being asked. 
    What you do insteas is give some surface level answer derived from the ego. If you really contemplate this question and listen to your inner voice there is absolutely no way your annswer to this question would be "yes".
    I challenge you to do it right now. Here are the questions.
    "God, are you a punitive God?"
    "God, are your gifts punitive in any way?"
    "God can you be anything other than Pure Love?"
    "God is there any incidence of you not being loving?"
    Sit quietly and witness what spontaneously arises.

    4. "Is that it's an odd, other guilty feeling."

    Guilt is not an attribute of God.
    If you feel guilt of any sort you can be certain that what you're thinking and believing is in error.
    Guilt is the domain of the ego, not of God.

    5. "Yes, it's a gift to exist. And with existence comes suffering."

    I believe this is the fourth contradiction but I've lost count.
    Existence is God and God cannot suffer.
    God and suffering are mutually exclusive.
    It's awfully arrogant to refer to God as suffering.
    With your thinking comes suffering, not with God.
    You created the world you see, not God.
    You created your experiences and now you project it onto God.
    God knows nothing of this world because God did not create the world. You did.
    When you want to see God/Love and nothing else you will see it.
    If you believe in a world of suffering that's exactly what you will see.
    As a man thinketh, so is is his experiences.

    6. "There's no escaping that. And I guess I'm either a Catholic or a Buddhist when I said those things because I've heard those from both traditions."

    If you believe the world is sinful, that's what you will see.
    You can't find God listening to what other people are telling you. The only way to know what God is really like is to have a direct experience with the divine. You suffer because you look outside of yourself for the answers.
    There no escaping what? 
    A mind that has gone mad? You're right but that has nothing to do with God.
    You cannot bring an illusion (suffering) to the Truth (God) but you can bring God (truth) to the suffering (illusion).
    You can ask God for another way to look at your painful situation where there is no suffering. 
    Everything is of Mind.

    7. "I was grateful for the thing I most wish hadn't happened ."

    There's one contradiction after another.
    How can you be grateful and also wish the thing hadn't happened?
    Being grateful doesn't have degrees or opposites. 
    You're either grateful or you're resisting what is.
    Truth - It happened. How do I know it's the truth...because it happened.
    Fantasy - I wish it hadn't happened. How do I know it's a fantasy...because it didn't happen.
    All pain arises from a resistance to the present moment - to what is.

    8. " I think it's a positive thing to do, not everybody is"

    If you want to experience pain, then get a past or future.
    Are you suffering now?
    Your thoughts have no contribution to what is true.
    There are no positives or negatives with God, only love. Positive and negative attributes, i.e. duality are the domain of a fragmented mind. 
    God is Oneness.

    9. "You can't pick and choose what you're grateful for and then so what do you get from loss."

    You already are picking and choosing what you are grateful for. 
    If it's not you doing the choosing, who do you suppose it might be?"
    What kind of loss can you experience in an illusory world?
    Is God capable of experiencing loss?
    Are you made in God's likeness?
    Then how can you experience loss?
    What would you be losing? A job, a title, a relationship, money, house, a reputation or a body? All of which are trinkets.
    A trinket is a small item of little value or significance.

    10. And so at a young age I suffered something so that by the time I was in serious relationships in my life with friends or with my wife or with my children is that I am understanding that everybody is suffering.

    Wow! You choose to focus on the unreal instead of the real.
    God is love and can only be love. 
    Some attributes of love are happiness, joy, peace, understanding, kindness, connection, and unity.
    Suffering is an attribute of fear which has no connection with God.
    The past is over and what you call suffering is a mere interpretation of an event. You have repeated the story of your suffering so often that you have made it real but only in your mind.
    Where is your suffering? Show it to me.
    You can never know the experience of another, only your own.
    What's yours is yours and only yours.  Heal yourself.
    You cannot connect through suffering. All you do is create more division because it now becomes your suffering, your wife's suffering, your kids suffering, and of course other people's suffering.
    How can you claim to understand (suffering) when it's not real but a made up construct in your mind?

    11. "You're grateful for the fact that you have suffered ."

    Can you imagine God championing you for being grateful for the fact that you have suffered?
    Come on, you've got to give God Almighty more credit than that.
    I'm not certain that you could complete the sentence before God started ROFL.

    12. "It's about the fullness of your humanity. What's the part of being here and being human if you can't be the most human you can be?"

    Instead of trying to be the most human which is connected to being a persona and a body, instead be the most spiritually loving you can be.
    After all, you are a spirit in a finite body.
    The world has the idea of life backward.
    And that have totally created a God of their own choosing that is the antithesis of what God is.
    It would be more accurate to say, "God I don't understand your nature and I am grateful that I came to such a realization so that I may have a change of heart."
    Close your eyes for just a minute. Can you imagine God ever being sad?
    Me neither.
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