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Properly Structured Ad Campaign (PSAC)


We've come a long way.

Buying Data
High Converting Landing Page (HCLP)
Buyer intent keywords (BIKW)
The final piece of the puzzle. Properly Structured Ad Campaigns (PSAC)

    1. Google Ad's Editor

    Google Ad's Editor

    Place your HCLP link inside the editor.
    Upload your list of BIKW.
    Select "Phrase" and "Exact" match.
    If there is a ton of search volume I will only select "Exact" match only.
    If I'm only able to find a minimal amount of BIKW I want Google to find more search terms for me so I'll choose both phrase and exact match.
    Set your bid and budget.

    2. How much should you bid for keywords?

    Keyword "Houston Electrician"
    BIKW - "electrician near me"
    Approx. Monthly Search Volume 790
    Cost Per Click $28.74
    Number of advertisers for this BIKW - 71
    On the keyword "electrician near me" I would not bid $28.74 even if Google was suggesting it.
    I'll bid around 30% of the CPC. For this example, my bid would be around $9.00.
    You always want to start low and slow.
    Wait a few days to see if Google gives your any impressions or clicks.
    ---An impression means that a user has seen (or potentially seen) a link to your site in Search, Discover, or News.
    When you solve this puzzle (and I've just given you the blueprint) Google will reward you with a high clickthrough rate and a lower cost-per-click.
    What does this do? It reduces your cost per conversion. (CPC)
    What is a conversion? The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action.
    It gets cheaper for you to have prospects take the action you want them to take.

    3. It's a Math Game

    Houston Electricians typically charge $40 to $100 per hour with a $75 service call-out fee.
    Small electrical projects range from $141 to $419 with most homeowners spending $280 on average.
    Project and hourly rates depend on the electrician's experience level and the type of work.
    In our example, we have two Houston electricians. Everything is exactly the same except Electrician #2 has a much better Cost Per Conversion - CPC than his counterpart. Let's see how the numbers play out.

    Electrician #1 cost per click - CPC is $25.

    It costs him $25 to acquire a new customer.

    He currently spends $500/week.

    His $500 ad spend delivers 20 new customers every week on demand.

    This does not take into account his referral and repeat business that's an offspring of every $500 spent running ads.

    On average every sales call is worth $280 to him.

    20 new customers x $280/sales call =$5,600/wk Gross Earnings

    Gross earnings $5,600/wk x 4.33 weeks in a month = $24,248/mo

    Less $500/wk ad spend x 4.33 weeks =$2,165/mo

    Gross Earnings = $24,248/mo x 12/mo =$290,976/yr

    Less Ad Spend = $2,165/mo x 12/mo = $25,980/yr

    Net Earnings = $264,996/yr


    Electrician #2 cost per click - CPC is $10.

    It costs him $10 to acquire a new customer.

    He currently spends $500/week.

    His $500 ad spend delivers 50 new customers every week on demand.

    This does not take into account his referral and repeat business that's an offspring of every $500 spent running ads.

    On average every sales call is worth $280 to him.

    50 new customers x $280/sales call =$14,000/wk Gross Earnings

    Gross earnings $14,000/wk x 4.33 weeks in a month = $60,620/mo

    Less $500/wk ad spend x 4.33 weeks =$2,165/mo

    Gross Earnings = $60,620/mo x 12/mo =$727,440/yr

    Less Ad Spend = $2,165/mo x 12/mo = $25,980/yr

    Net Earnings = $701,460/yr


    Electrician #2 net earnings 701,460 - Electrician #1 net earnings $264,996 = $436,464

    That's a whopping 164.706% increase with the same ad spend.

    Better R.O.I.

    This is why all of these pieces must come together for this to work.


    4. Creating Your Ad Copy for the Google Ad's Editor

    Don't overthink it.
    Always get ideas from your HCLP.
    When prospects click from your Google Ad and land on your HCLP you want them to feel like they're in the right place.
    This increases conversions and drastically lowers your CPC when you give the user exactly what they searched for.
    Always test different versions of the ad whenever you buy data.
    This is easily accomplished within the Google ad editor.
    Right now I don't which of the BIKW (continuing with the Houston electrician example) below are going to generate the most clicks that's why I want each of the BIKW dynamically inserted into the ad copy.

    electrician near me

    electrical contractors near me

    emergency electrician

    local electrician near me.


    This is an actual Houston Electrician's Ad
    What are your thoughts about the ad copy above?
    Does the landing page make the buyer feel he's in the right place?

    5. Run the campaign.

    I run the ad for 5 days to see if I get any impressions or clicks.
    If not, I slowly increase the bid price until I do.
    When you're buying data having patience is a virtue.
    Give the ad time to develop a soul.

    6. Types of Quality Score

    Account-Level Quality Score - Account-level Quality Score is the result of the historical performance of all keywords and ads in an account
    Ad Group Quality Score - Ad Group-level Quality Score is a way to determine which areas you need to work on within a campaign
    Keyword-Level Quality Score - This is the Quality Score that Google issues your keywords, and it’s visible in the Google Ads interface. 
    A keyword’s Quality Score is scored on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being poor and 10 being great.  
    Your keyword-level score is calculated by the performance of search queries that exactly match your keyword.

    When reviewing the Keyword Quality Score in your account, you are able to see the following;

    Quality Score – How relevant the keyword, ads, and landing pages are to those viewing an ad.

    Ad Relevance – How closely related keywords are to ad copy.

    Landing page experience – How useful the landing page is to users viewing the page.

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