The 80/20 site
What if there was a website that combined the best 20% of other websites?
Let's get rid of the rubbish and focus on the best
Below is what another user would see when visiting you.
1. Twitter
The feed. It's done a lot better than Facebook. Facebook relises on random thoughts /bragging about your day. Twitters about starting a conversation with the world, much more social.
A box could contain all your/someone's./a group of certain peoples tweets or an update on certain hashtags in real time. This will allow you to see through your friends eyes and get a better understanding on why they have the views they do. You could then click one of these tweets, jump into twitter and comment on it.
2. Plus
The one feature that made it too complicated for people and hence why it didn't kick off, circles. Being able to group your friends together, celebs, different social groups ect was genuis, but most people just couldn't understand it.
If you want everyone to use it keep this feature as a hidden setting you can access. Those that want to will easily find it. Those that don't will be happy with one group, their friends.
3. Bebo
There was a lot about bebo I loved.
Top friends - you're now competing to be social.
Luv - even more composition.
White board - you get to display your art to all your friends, friends. An online art gallery anyone could display art in.
Quizes - if folk want to talk to you, but don't know what to say they can answer a short quiz and you can start a convo on any one of those topics
Blocks - you could display videos, pictures ect in a block that somehow peiced together, windows 8 style into a beautiful display.
4. MySpace
Coding. A lot of people learnt html through MySpace (all be it basic). How cool would it be to have us do that all again? Fancy backgrounds. Gifs. Adding Spotify songs to your page. Ect.
This could all easily be done with no code tools, but being able to see the code as you do it and been able to tweek it (if I do this my twitter text will be green, awesome.) sounds like something that will bread a new generation of programmers, graphic artist and if you implement 3d models, modelers, and animators.
5. Spotify
All the music. But what if thanks to this site you could comment on songs? It can be displayed just to your friends and if they comment on the same song you could see it.
I love this song.
Wow. Just listened love this too thanks for sharing.
Their playing next month, want to go?
Of course!
I'm going too, see you guys there.
6. YouTube
Similar to Spotify. Maybe you could display 10 videos /songs at a time, forcing you to update every so often.
7. Devientart
8. Notepd
9. Tinder
10. Podcasts
11. Ask.Fm
I don't know why others sites don't do this already. Small prompts y to help you think of something to write about.
What movie should everyone watch?
Where would you love to visit?
How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
For more fun questions like this check out my book.
The Rocco Effect - ?
12. Entz24
You can see what events are happening near you. What if you could display what you are going to /would like to go to and advertise to everyone close enough to go with you?
13. NFTs
14. Shop
15. Prioritise being social
How social is the Internet nowadays? I think it's died down a lot. People are in bubbles repeating the same narrative as everyone else is their bubble. It's boring. What if we prioritised talking about non political things? Bonding over similarities instead of being devided over differences. This site should be like Google, the less time you're on it the better
Get people meeting up again.
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