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There are many paths to financial independence. Here is mine...

There are many paths to financial independence.

Mine took 20 years. Here are the 4 steps I followed.

    1. Have the end in mind.

    At 20, after reading "Awaken the Giant" by Anthony Robbins, I made a mind map with my different goals. Not having to work for a living (my definition of financial independence) was one of them.

    2. Start with sales.

    Despite being a junior, I was not limited in my salary. I soon started earning a six-figure annual salary. And it turns out that sales was a great learning experience. It has served me well my entire life.

    3. Embrace professional risks.

    An excellent school for learning very quickly, making giant leaps in your professional career and salary.

    4. Invest young.

    I did all the rookie mistakes, but I started young. Compound interest did the rest.

    • First mistake: I invested alone by choosing stocks and trying to time the market.
    • I went through funds. They are costly in fees, and few of them perform every year.
    • I have invested for too long in safe products. Low risk, low return
    • Finally, I discovered ETFs (market indexing). I started with a sophisticated strategy. I simplified, simplified, finally arrive at one ETF covering the world. It works great for me, and I spend less than 60 minutes monthly on my all finances.

    5. Financial independence is much more accessible than it seems.

    If I had to start again today with my knowledge. I would start with an ETF covering the world and a broker with low fees. And I would invest every month, no matter what the market weather.

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