Ways I've wasted my money I regret a lot
1. Buying too many clothes I never wear
I love clothes shopping, but sometimes I go a little overboard and buy things I'll never wear. It's not a total waste because I do enjoy wearing them around the house, but it's not ideal.
2. Eating out too much
I love trying new restaurants, but it can get expensive. Sometimes I'll spend $40 on a meal when I could've made something just as good at home for $10.
3. Buying expensive makeup
I used to spend a lot of money on highend makeup, but I never really noticed a difference. Now I stick to drugstore brands and I'm just as happy.
4. Getting my nails done
I used to get my nails done every two weeks, but it was so expensive and timeconsuming. I now only get them done for special occasions and I save so much money.
5. Buying Starbucks every day
I used to buy Starbucks every day, but it was costing me so much money. I now only treat myself to Starbucks a few times a week and I make my coffee at home most days.