Ways I've wasted my money I regret a lot
We all but what we want before getting what we need
lot of money wasted on booze, cigs for a short period and an excess of weed in my youth.
I was broke for most of my twenties, so I didn't get to waste my money on tons of things, but I was of course broke partly because I was misallocating my money :)
They're terrible investments! Never again.
I have spent a lot on Taxis, wherever I go. I am hoping next year will be the year to change that.
i have wasted too much money being a collector.
when I was younger I collected antiques with the idea that our son would like them. He and his wife could care less.
I removed the "I regret a lot" portion of the title, because I've wasted money, but don't regret any of it. Each time I recognize that I've wasted money, I take it as a lesson for how to spend properly in the future. It's like paying for financial lessons :)
The best advertising is word of mouth. The money I dropped on advertising books was largely wasted and destroyed any profits I might have had on the books. I still do spend a little bit on advertising (primarily on Amazon), but only in small amounts that I only increase if I see a decent return on the investment.
If I'd done this I wouldn't still be working past retirement age. Whatever that 10% was spent on, in the long run, was a waste.
So many things.
There are lots of regrets, but I am happy with where I am at the moment.
I had so many different horrible apartments/roommates.
Having a stable place that I enjoyed would have allowed me to flourish a lot more.
It may have been discounted, but that doesn't mean it was a good deal. I should have stuck to my budget instead of succumbing to a marketing tactic.
I love clothes shopping, but sometimes I go a little overboard and buy things I'll never wear. It's not a total waste because I do enjoy wearing them around the house, but it's not ideal.
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