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Ideas Post

What are some of your Top 10 Public Service ideas?

I had to stretch to finish this list but here are a few of my personal, reasonably well-formed, favorites...

    1. Establish my Digital Currency & Financial Literacy Apprenticeships

    My current highest priority is learning enough about digital currencies and investing to start my Digital Currency & Financial Literacy Apprenticeships which under Plan529 of the SEC SECURE act of 2019 would allow me to help overlooked and underserved citizens to set up sustainable support networks based on collaborative understanding of financial literacy in the age of tokenized assets and global digital economies.

    2. Starting an Urban Vertical & Rooftop Farm Cooperative

    The focus would be on providing residents of all flat-roofed buildings and sunlight-facing windowed apartments with options for food-bearing plants that would be grown organically and all excess would be sold [at operation maintenance cost at the local green market] or donated to the local food pantry.

    3. The Real-Deal Career Day virtual experiences

    I'd like to approach trade unions and career associations about forming virtual partnerships with public schools to present the real Career and Technical Education / vocational skills that occur in any career - sanitized for language and graphic content but unvarnished other than that, yet with links to the prerequisite experiences and skill qualifications needed to lead in that career.

    4. Commuters Association & Rideshare Liquidity Pool {CARLpool}

    In a form of Web3.0 car-pooling, I would like to advance my project with my local driver’s cooperative to develop a regional open source DAG cryptocurrency [so that transactions are super fast] supporting the rideshare drivers and few car-invested locals that can benefit from servicing public transportation deserts with a commuters’ coverage network for which the tokenomics would create a market for {CPT} travel tokens (paying for a trip-of-transfers or used at a premium rate for non-stop trips) balanced against the drivers (minters of {CPS} seat tokens) that would gain in value as a function of the profitability of convenience of coverage outweighs the profits that a non-local oligopoly intermediaries take out of the local economy.

    5. Update and re-introduce "Civics" and "Home Economics"

    I'd like to spearhead a movement in public schools to see encourage initiatives that structure these classes as mentorships in the school kitchens (and sometimes offices) that should be supporting community food services and mental health outreach centers that respectfully provide a space where the community can improve each other.

    6. Politician with a humanistic purpose

    I'd consider running for City Council to implement laws and policies to address climate change realities and quality of life services provided by prioritizing electric cargo bikes & commuter trikes over ICE & hybrid vehicles and mass transit buses which would compete on multi-lane roadways, leaving 2-lanes for electric enhanced vehicles, and single lanes for pedestrians and camera-ticket enforced low-speed, single-intersection pick-up or parking.

    7. Champion shelter as a human right

    Open talks to find out how to leverage the homeless crisis as a national emergency to allow more organizations like Habitat for Humanities to train local citizens about how to construct Boxabl -style modular homes and have a start on the definition of what is the universal standard of shelter as a human right.

    8. Establish a Citizen's Commission

    Put out an open invitation to a panel of Comptrollers of the nation to discuss National vs. State Debt, Global Economic Security, and the National Budget for the Military Industrial Complex. Then after we've talked about where the money is actually going, I'd like to have Elected Public Advocates discuss the unvarnished truth about the erosion of trust in all institutions of government and what sovereign citizens should do to build groups [IRL or virtual] that improve in ways that enhance the belonging to a loving community, not sap our attention and resources towards fear and violence.

    9. My Brother's Lender?

    I'd like to develop microlending in my immediate community to improve trust in a diverse community through responsible loans that provide entrepreneurial capital when needed.

    10. The City's Strongest

    In New York, as long as you are physically fit you can take the test to become a NYC sanitation worker and then maybe I could leverage my background to help improve logistics?

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