What are some things that the government could offer for free?
1. Bank Accounts - Checking/Savings
Connect it to the post office service somehow.
When you are born you get a social security number. You get a checking and savings account.
2. Small business loans
No interest business loans to people with good ideas.
3. Financial education classes
More people need to understand the fundamentals of their finances. The difference between assets and liabilities. How credit works. How loans work etc.
4. Healthcare
Universal health care.
5. State Universities
Universal education or career training.
6. Dog Parks
More green space for animals.
7. UBI
Universal basic income.
8. Housing
Free housing in more rural states. Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska.
9. Public service programs
Work for the national parks. Or the peace corp. Or state department. Anyone can join a program and work on the mission of the org.
10. Trees
The best way to combat climate change is to plant more trees. Create a program where the government grows and send people trees to plant.
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