What are some things you want to accomplish in your Marriage in 2023?
1. Go to the gym together
2. Have another hobby together
3. Keep cooking together
4. Travel together
Spouse wants to go to Vegas and to a Rodeo this year.
5. Keep the house neat for my spouse
My spouse is not neat. That is my job to pick up the slack.
6. Help out more financially
My spouse picked up a big amount of our finances this year. While, I have largely been the breadwinner since we have been together, I'd like to help out more , again.
7. Surprise my spouse more
I'm not that great at this. Been doing better, want to continue this.
8. Listen more (or at least appear to listen)
My spouse told me it's ok if I'm not actually listening to them while they vent. So, I'll try and do a better job here....
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