Lengths of time is it a bit like string theory what different constituents make time relative. Do I even know what I am writing about
1. Seeing my children grow up this time has gone so quickly now they are adults
2. Looking back at different jobs
3. Looking back at where I used to love it seems the memories are so distant another age
4. Looking back with regret this can seem so recent yet it was years ago . The emotion tied with regret make it appear recent
5. Memories of my Mum who died last year. Again what part do my emotions play do I let love win out or do I focus on regret and loss . Do I make her memory present through being positive about our relationship.
6. Does passion slow or speed up time. At one times focus and expertise can slow down time and then you can get just engrossed and think where did the hour go
7. What part does procrastination play does this just defer and delay as I am stuck in a perpetual ground hog day
8. What does the cycling of productive collaboration and relationships with others others . Does falling out and lost friendships leave mile stones that are left long in the padt
9. Is it possible to time travel forward and backwards with activities. Some trigger past experiences others can take me out of my comfort zone and advance progress
10. Is my current position of feeling old and not making progress a black hole of nothingness where there is no length of time
11. What does doing one more thing do to time should I be focusing on 8 hour days and expanding time
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