What are things you can’t go without?
Cause the challenge mentioned some sort of addiction, I won't mention things I actually need to live like general food/water, a comfortable place to sleep, and clothes to protect from the environmental element.

1. Running
I never thought I'd be this person who is an exercise addict. But here I am, not functioning well if I miss my running routine for more than a week. Honestly, that was the part I disliked the most when I caught covid, and it made me not want to catch it again.
2. Fika (Coffee & Cake break in the afternoon)
I can have lunch at my desk while working, but I just love this habit of a break in the afternoon with coffee (or other beverages) and a delicious piece of treat.
3. Going for a walk while getting some sunshine
Hence my need to live in a walkable city, because then I could multitask this while doing some errands.
4. Noise cancelling headphones
Can't imagine traveling without it anymore. Or sitting in an open office space and having to concentrate.
5. Smart phone
Such a frivolous device, yet I get more dependent on it.
6. Reading device
I love my Kindle cause I can bring multiple books at any time.
7. A good sunscreen
Something that holds well with my outdoor activity + makeup.
8. Makeup
I just love playing with colors and my face happens to be a good canvas :-D.
9. Spice
I love spicy food and adjusting to food in Germany was difficult at first... until I bring my own chili sauce.
10. Pen and notebook
Still love the actual writing by hand. I do it less now, but I'm still prone to buying a good notebook
11. Laptop, internet connection, and electricity
I took it for granted until I don't have it.
12. Notepd
I tried this offline before, but it wasn't as fun as doing it here.
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