What are things you can’t go without?
1. Coffee
Elixir of the Gods. Half & half to go with it.
2. Watch
These days, its a FitBit, but I -need- to know the time. Not always, but... well, yes, always.
3. Safe Place to Sleep
My bed, a couch, a car, the floor.
4. Clothes
In a past life, did a lot of traveling in one bag. Two pairs of chinos, two or three dress shirts, underwear, socks & shoes. And a belt to hold up the pants.
5. Wallet
Old school - cash, cards, family pix, etc.
6. PC
Can live without the phone, but need the PC to do work and some play
7. Backpack
Repository of lots of things I need for work.
8. Reading Glasses
Not always, but recently. Getting the "the print has gotten smaller" syndrome.
9. Tunes
Method isn't relevant, just need my tunes to keep my head straight.
10. Jacket / Hat / Gloves
When it is cool / cold. Especially in my "later years."
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