What do you want to achieve in 2023?

1. New Job/Career
Applying now. Have taken a nice hiatus, but time to start working again. I need some structure.
2. Move
Two candidates right now. Family needs a fresh start. Eventually, I'd like to live somewhere in Winter and another place the rest of the year.
3. 1 step closer to Financial Independence
Have a plan to retire, if i want, in 10 years or less.
4. Spend more quality time with family
Especially parents. They are getting older. Want my children to have more time with them over the next few years.
5. Be more active
Lift weights more. Play sports more. Walk more with my spouse.
6. Eat better/lose weight
Achilles Heel. Have been doing better. Halloween candy got me recently...
7. Pickup 1-2 new hobbies
Have some candidates. Need to move for one of them.
8. Get closer with friends
This has been a strength over the last few years. Want to build these relationships even more.
9. Make some new ones
I don't need close friends. But, need to make more new friends.
10. Go to some concerts/take a vacation or 2
Slacked off here in 2022.
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