What do you want to achieve in 2023?
This is a scary one because you have to be honest and then there is a possibility of failure.
1. I would like to write more (dollar figure) then this year
2021 was a mad house for doing deals, 2022 was not, I went backwards for the first year in 2022, I would like to bounce back from that.
2. Learn to manage stress better
The thing about stress is I do not notice the build-up. I am trying to find a work flow and then when I sign off and spend time with the family, leave it at the door. This is easier said than done.
3. Hire
I feel like I am a terrible boss, and I would like to become a better leader and hire someone who has goals and aspirations, someone I can help grow that wants to build something with me. I am most likely being naive but you do have to hire to grow so I don’t really have a choice.
4. Side hustle
James, this is your jam right? I am a serviced based business so I can NOT make money while I sleep. I would like to monetise something I can package and sell, I have no idea what that is yet. Maybe that should be my 10 ideas list.
5. Buy an investment property
It sounds like the real estate market in the U.S is very different from Australia, there is a lot of money in real estate here. The sale of your own property is the only thing the government can not tax you on. I have my home and would like to start to building my portfolio.
6. Be less reactive
I am sure we all want this, it always seem to be more so with the people we love the most.
7. Become a better negotiator
This is something I am obsessed with and have been for years but just want to continue to strengthen this skill. Maybe 10 ideas for negotiation goals?
8. Be an awesome dad
Work matters but being a dad and husband matter too, I would like to find balance here.
9. Pivot my business in this down turn
A lot of residential buyers are scared when the market is bad, the people who want to buy are cashed up and looking for deal, I want to work on getting to genius level when it comes to pricing properties and source good deals for more commercial buyers.
10. Be happy
There it is ladies and gentlemen, isn’t this what we all want. I don’t want to wear a mask it is too stressful pretending to be happy. It is a lot easier to actually be happy, how do we do this? Be a kid, experiment, be cheeky, be playful and enjoy what you do. Easier sad then done when the shit starts hitting the fan. I wonder how Elon does it at his level?
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