What is the best type of Cardio?
1. General Statement regarding cardio : All exercise that does not permanently damage you, is good
2. Specific statement regarding cardio: If you are running more than 3 miles (5km) per day , five days a week , you are running for a reason other than physical fitness
3. Taylor your exercise program to what you want to achieve
Are you looking for increased stamina, training for a race, wishing to use cardio as part of a weight loss program, wanting to improve your level of fitness, to improve your performance in a specific sport ? Each goal will require a different approach to cardio exercise
4. Swimming is good (see item 3)
5. distance running is good (see item 3)
6. Interval training is good (see item 3 )
7. Stair climbing is good (see item 3)
I will be hiking the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island. We will not be hiking long distances , but there are some 30+ flights of stairs. My training consisted of loading 25lbs of weights in a backpack and doing long flights of stairs.
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