Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
Can be goals/achievements/milestones/anything.
1. Writing a book every year
2. Living off dividends and savings
3. Being completely debt free
4. Having kids (hopefully) and being a good dad
5. Creating 10,000,000 value for the world in some way or another.
For instance:
- if I can get 100k people to pay $100 a month to invest with me via my new investing platform = that's $10M in revenues right there.
- I have about 15k followers on Twitter. If I can convince even half of them to pay $100/month for my investing service = that's another $5M in revenue.
- There are about 300k people who follow me on Facebook and Twitter combined so far (about 50% of them overlap). If I can convince 1% of them to pay $100/month = that's another $1M in revenues (and this is conservative because many will be willing to pay more than that).
There are other models as well but those are two simple ones.
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