Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
This irritated me so much that I decided to write a list. I'm angry at the state of the world. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. So my list is my way to try to create a vision in my head of what I want in the future.
1. I want to travel to New Zealand
2. I want to have my own business
I don't know what. I just know I need to continue to make money after I retire.
3. I want to be freer inside.
I've made quite a bit of progress over the past few years, but as you could say in Japanese - I'm not there yet. I have a ways to go.
4. I want to make money off of my writing
5. I want to write more fiction
6. I want to have a few good friends
7. I want to go on a knitting vacation
There are knitting trips that are scheduled around the world. They seem fun.
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