Have you ever hit Rock bottom? It could be depression or getting to a helpless state of addiction and it doesn’t feel like there’s hope.
Rock bottom can be a point of complete ruin or complete turnaround in an aspect of one’s life. It’s usually a smash people tend never to forget it.
Nobody leaves the lowest point of their lives by accident.
We can only start to improve when we start making efforts to do so.
Whatever Rock Bottom is for you, it is a place you don’t want to be and the sooner you start getting out of it, the better.
1. Make a decision today
Decide the consequence of a staying at rock-bottom is not worth the feeling of hopelessness or any short term pleasure (addictions).
Just like the Prodigal son (in the Bible) decided it was better to be a slave to his father than remain hopeless in a foreign land - he made a decision and acted right away.