How To Bounce Back After Hitting Rock Bottom – 10 Practical Tips
Have you ever hit Rock bottom? It could be depression or getting to a helpless state of addiction and it doesn’t feel like there’s hope.
Rock bottom can be a point of complete ruin or complete turnaround in an aspect of one’s life. It’s usually a smash people tend never to forget it.
Nobody leaves the lowest point of their lives by accident.
We can only start to improve when we start making efforts to do so.
Whatever Rock Bottom is for you, it is a place you don’t want to be and the sooner you start getting out of it, the better.
1. Make a decision today
Decide the consequence of a staying at rock-bottom is not worth the feeling of hopelessness or any short term pleasure (addictions).
Just like the Prodigal son (in the Bible) decided it was better to be a slave to his father than remain hopeless in a foreign land - he made a decision and acted right away.
2. Take control of your mind
Mindset is everything. Every single time you sacrifice your energy for 5 mins random pleasure, health to a bunch of crap meal, say yes when you don't want to. What comes to your mind?
Its all a mindset game. How you view failure? Picking yourself up? Making plans. Disappearing when you need to.
Are you going to take control of your thoughts and mindset or would you still wait for someone to come save you?
3. Make a plan
Once you're feeling more stable, sit down and create a plan for moving forward. This can include short-term and long-term goals.
Steve Harvey talks about a time he was fully down (unemployed and broke). He had a friend that decide to not just check up on him but get him back up.
Every single day he would call him at 5:30 on the dot. "Steve, this is John Walker, its going to be a great day, how you feeling? He'd hung up. Steve would reply on a low and depressed tone - nothing. He had zero motivation and expected nothing from life.
He did this for 37 days straight until it finally rang a bell on Steve Harvey's head - to wake up, change his attitude and set a plan for the day.
No more depressed tone. No more giving excuses. He had to take responsibility, make a plan and create his future.
Know what you want to improve in your life, sit down and make a plan of action with specific goals and deadlines.
4. Create and stick to healthy routines
Start forming right habits that would help you get back up and creating healhty routines such as morning routines that kick starts your day for winning.
Some days will be better than others, but don't get discouraged if you have a few bad ones. Just keep taking small steps forward and eventually you'll get where you want to be.
5. Step up your knowledge.
Fill up your mind with the right information always. Even the Bible acknowledges that “faith cometh by hearing.
Why do successful people read books, create and listen to podcasts and audiobooks over entertainment most of the time?
They want to increase their knowledge and become students of life rather than blockheads living on past information.
6. Learn how to handle stress better
Exercise, upgrading your diet, breathing exercises, taking a break praticing gratitude etc can all help you deal with stress better.
7. Get better perspectives
Travel if you need to. Read wide. Build your faith.
Learn from your mistakes and use them as motivation to improve.
If you've already hit rock bottom - don't try to do it all at once. .
You need to give yourself time to grieve and process what has happened. Trying to take on too much too soon will only make things harder.
8. Have an accountability partner/Support system
Whether it's friends, family, a professional therapist, having people you can rely on will be crucial during this tough time.
Invest in a coach earlier than you need to.
Don’t forget to build good relationships with safe people.
9. Identify your Triggers, Avoid them and Choose discipline
Realize that you’re going to go through tough times in life and decide not to make the same mistakes twice. Build your self discipline - as discipline is a skill you can develop and master over time.
What are the things that set you off and make you feel worse? Avoid them if possible, or find healthier coping mechanisms for dealing with them.
10. Appreciate the little things
Once you leave your darkest moments you tend not to take for granted the little things you were ignoring..
Love this ideas list from Craig today on how his perspective changed after coming out of prison.
11. Choose to associate with quality people.
Look around you - who do you associate yourself with most of the times?
Are they living on thier edge, facing their fears or playing comfortable wtih life with all sorts of cheap dopamine?
Hard times will always reveal true friends.
Association influences how much you can prevent or leave rock bottom.
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