1. End/Limit the FDA
A drug is approved by the FDA after three trials (a fourth trial is ongoing I believe).
Phase 1 tests safety. That's the only trial that they should have. As long as it is safe, let the market decide which drugs work.
How come?
A) to go through all the phases could costs $100s of millions of dollars. This drives up the price of medications and also prevents life-saving drugs from hitting the market sooner.
B) companies have to raise that money from investors. So companies that are unsuccessful at raising money often never get lifesaving drugs to the market.
C) There is a degree of implicit corruption where former FDA officials often find jobs later at big Pharma. This is not conspiracy theory but fact. Former SEC officials often end up at banks. Former Congressmen end up at lobbying firms, etc.
So the FDA has its uses (Safety) but let the markets and other modern technologies decide which drugs work.