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Making A List From Other Lists

Fun list today!

    1. Odd and unreasonable things to add to mac&cheese

    I have no idea but this reminds me of something useful. When we lived in Scottsdale in the 90's we would regularly eat at Chinese restaurant called Flo's. One item was the craziest sounding dish that you couldn't imagine would be good. Turned out it was our favorite item on the menu. This has narrow implications for eating and broader implications for other aspects of life. The dish was Cinnamon Shrimp.

    Quick note, as tasty as mac and cheese is, it's a carbohydrate festival that is very unhealthy.

    2. Things to declutter

    A list from @harnessmoney. I have a drawer full of crap in our kitchen, underneath our junk drawer, that needs to be decluttered. It has some stuff I need like current EMT paperwork and stuff I don't like other people's business cards that I will never need. I need to get to work.

    3. Best Airbnb Destinations

    A list by @TheDesertBeachBum. Shameless self promotion time. The Majestic Mountain Retreat.


    4. What 10 Items Can You Not Live Without?

    A challenge by @annbeaudet. Let's turn this around. How could you learn to get by without items that you think are indispensable but really are not? This might be a good way to toughen up some.

    5. 10 things you've had the longest

    The other day I mentioned a piece of PPE for wildland firefighting. I thought of another one. My father gave me this $1 bill in 1973 or 1974. It's from 1928, crisp and creaseless like it's brand new.


    6. From scarcity to abundance

    A list by @BillBergeman. For me, this is a process to get from one to the other. Just this week something very challenging but potentially very positive came to me, this is day job related. I immediately viewed this as a great opportunity but also thought yikes, this won't be easy. The more I learn about what I am in for, the more jacked up I am about the challenge. My process is to tend to discount the worst right away and then build the situation into a positive.

    7. Collections I had as a kid

    A list by @SteveAlvest. Like Steve, I also collected baseball cards as a kid. They somehow disappeared along with my trophies, Varsity letters and the like when my mom moved in 1985. I got into it again for a year in 1989 and then picked it back up in 2020. I've had these two Ken Griffey Jr card since I pulled them out of packs in 1989 (so also a tie in to number 5).


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