What are 10 podcasts you would recommend to someone new in the podcast world to learn how to be 1% better?
1. The Tim Ferris Show
Author of the 4 hour workweek. Tim interviews people at the top of their field and toys to direct what makes them awesome.
2. The Art of Manliness/The Art of charm
Not related, but since I don't listen to them too often now I thought id combine them. If you search the archives you can find some really good episodes. Not my favourite, but every so often you have some great interviews/advice.
3. The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
If your a fan of his you'll love the podcast Long interviews/talks on philosophy /Improving yourself. Highly recommend.
4. Modern Wisdom
One of my favourites nowadays. Interviews with a wide range of people. Highly recommend.
5. The Daily Stoic
Short episodes allowing you to reflect on stoic philosophy.
6. Akimbo
Business/marketing for idiots. He makes complicated concepts really simple and easy to understand. Highly recommend.
7. The Mikhala Peterson Podcast
Jordan Petersons daughter. Fun interviews I like her oposing views episodes where she interviews two people on opposite ends of a debate.
8. Triggernomery
Interviews with people from all walks of life. People that have been 'cancelled'. I really like their interview style. Highly recommend.
9. Real Coffee With Scott Adams
One of my favourite podcasts. Daily episodes talking about current events and offering new ways of viewing them.
10. The James Altucher Show
I'm guessing everyone here already listens to it. If not I'd recommend starting here.
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