What are 10 podcasts you would recommend to someone new in the podcast world to learn how to be 1% better?
What are your 10 podcasts?
Here are the podcasts that I love because I can feel myself becoming a better human while I listen. Many of these podcasts aren't intended to literally make you 1% better, but improvement is determined by the actor. This list is not in any particular order.
Jon Acuff is so witty and creative. I love listening to his ideas even though I'm not a business owner. I try to incorporate many of his ideas from the podcast and books.
While this is a list of 10, in my experience, pick or one to three, since if you're a busy person, you can't listen to them all. And stop listening when you feel like you've got a good handle on how to improve, yourself.
He specializes in this exact topic.
From my podcast app. It is a bit tech-focused shortlist :)
The startup world and founders' stories.
Author of the 4 hour workweek. Tim interviews people at the top of their field and toys to direct what makes them awesome.
This AI generated image had me laughing
I'll keep it to 5.
A great interviewer with a lot of interesting guests.
This is in no particular order except how my Google Podcasts is showing up the list of episodes when I scroll down. I might have missed many shows but one can easily start with these 10 and go beyond.
For: Fitness both physical & mental and Clarity of thoughts
The common theme to all these will be they are podcasts that started by winging it and then became huge and are very open about their process and above all entertaining to listen to.
Comedian Bert Kreischer. Very funny podcast but the cool thing is he loves talking as he calls it "inside baseball" with other comics about their numbers and podcasts and how they create.
Listening over 1.5x has been a lifesaver in being introduced to new ideas.
Short dose of motivation to get over the hump of your day
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