Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
The last time I did this I was studying for an MBA and we had just had our first child. I guess all my dreams came true, so it is always a worthwhile exercise. Rather than be repetitive all of these plans apply not just to myself but also to my wife and family and all our loved ones as it would be no fun if I was just on my own.
1. Be healthy and fit
2. Be wealthy
3. Be wise
4. Be protected and guided by God's abundance and love
5. Be always learning and fulfilled
6. Be content that I am repaying God by maximizing the gifts he has given me.
7. Be maximizing my happiness and appreciating life and all the beauty that surrounds us.
8. Enjoying Travel and walking on the beach every day if I want to.
9. Have an active social life with family and friends
10. I would love to be able to spoil some grandchildren!
That's up to you kids. I have 3 sons!
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